2023 Sias IS Summer Camp 2023 西亚斯外籍学校夏令营开启报名!
2023 Sias IS Summer Camp 夏令营
Sias IS is excited to announce the 2023 summer camp program. Summer camp is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn more about themselves, relationships, and the world around us. This summer we invite you to join us to learn and have fun together. 2023 summercamp will consist of 5 weeks of camps that include sports, STEAM, performance, and field trips. We will follow the 5 elements to inspire our inquiry into the mystical, magical world around us. Sias IS Camps are divided into four age groups: 3-5 year olds (ONLY Sias IS students), 6-8 year olds,9-11 year olds, 11-14 year olds.
Sias IS 2023年的夏令营计划来啦!夏令营对学生来说是一个绝好的可以让他们更多地了解自己、了解人际关系以及了解我们周围世界的机会。今年夏天,我们邀请你加入我们,一起学习和玩耍。2023年的夏令营为期五周,包括体育、STEAM、表演和实地旅行。我们将遵循5大元素(金木水火土)来激发我们对周围神秘、神奇世界的探究。Sias IS夏令营分为四个年龄组:3-5岁(仅限Sias IS学生),6-8岁,9-11岁,11-14岁。
Week 1June 26-30
Week 1-We will use WOOD to develop our understanding of how to use wood as a primary resource to reduce our dependence on plastic. We will participate in Woodworking, Engineering, and take a deeper look into how wood shapes our lives.
Week 2July 3-7
Week 2- We will use FIRE to promote our understanding of safety. We will consider our human use of fire makes us different than other animals and gives us the ability to control our environment. We will also consider how fire has impacted our natural resources and ways we can use alternative energy to our world. During this week, we will also consider the “fire” inside us helps to motivate us to thrive in society.
第二周--“火”,我们将使用火元素来加深我们对安全的理解。我们将学习人类对火的使用如何令我们与其他动物不同,并使我们有能力控制我们周围的环境。我们还将学习火是如何影响自然资源的,以及如何为我们的地球使用替代能源的方法。在这一周,我们还将探索我们内心的"火 "如何激励我们在社会中茁壮成长。
Week 3July 10-14
Week 3-During our exploration of the “EARTH” we will discover the nature around us, how the land supports our lives, and even leave the land to see the earth from the air. We will use different perspectives to discover more about the place we call home.
Week 4July 17-21
Week 4-METAL gives us a strong structure in our lives. It also allows us the opportunity to create tiny circuits that open the door to Robotics, Coding, and all the machines around us. During this week, we will learn more about how to run, control, and make machines.
Week 5July 24-28
Week 5-During the WATER week, we will enjoy the refreshing opportunity to be in and near the water. We will participate in water activities in the pool, on the lake, and outside on campus. Knowing that ALL living beings need water, we will discover how different living beings use water in different ways.
第五周--"水 ",在水元素周,我们将有机会享受置身水中的清爽。我们将在游泳池、湖边和校园外参加水上活动。在了解水是所有的生物都赖以生存的元素后,我们将发现不同的生物如何以不同的方式使用水。
Sias IS camps arerun in English. We have an AMAZING Sias IS teaching staff and highly qualified professional coaches to support the learning this summer.
Sias IS的夏令营是用英语组织和运营的。我们有一个超赞的Sias IS教学团队和高素质的专业教练团队来支持这个夏天的学习。
Sias IS Summer Camps are an all-inclusive package: Breakfast, lunch, snacks, specialized classes, field trips, English language development, and insurance on our amazing campus.
Sias IS夏令营是一个全包的方案:早餐、午餐、加餐、专业课程、实地考察、英语语言发展、保险、以及令人惊叹的校园体验。
Pricing: 5288 yuan (1 week)
(2 weeks) 5088 yuan/week
(3 weeks) 4888 yuan/week
(4 weeks) 4688 yuan/week
(5 weeks) 4488 yuan/week
Registration fee: 500RMB (Free for Sias IS students)
报名费:500元(Sias IS学生免费)。
Registration deadline: June 10
Early Bird Registration before May 20 and get a free camp package including a Sias IS Summer Camp T-shirt, hat, water bottle, backpack, and mascot!
5月20日前提前报名,可免费获得夏令营套餐,包括Sias IS夏令营的T恤、帽子、水瓶、背包和吉祥物!
Sleep Over Package (2000 yuan) per week
Campers that have completed Grade 3 (9 years old and above) can register for an overnight extension camp. During the evening, Teachers will prepare a different activity every night for campers to enjoy. Popcorn and a movie, scavenger hunts, game nights, sports tournaments, pool parties and more! Sias will provide campers with fun, engaging activities that support our different themes.
The Sleep Over Package includes dinner, snacks, evening activities, and boarding.
*Final decisions will be made by Sias IS camp director in accordance with Sias IS policy. Sias IS maintains the right to make changes to the daily plans to meet the needs of the summer camp as needed.
*最终决定将由Sias IS营长根据Sias IS政策做出。Sias IS有权根据夏令营正常运营的需求对日常计划进行修改。
绵阳市商业银行2022年年报:资产质量持续向好 风险管控成效明显
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